INM pension scandal

Sir, – Minister for Public Expenditure Pascal Donohue has surely got it the wrong way around? He claims "the value of public service pensions has clearly increased in recent years" (News, December 9th).

On the contrary, it is that the value of private-sector pensions have decreased in recent years with the termination of defined benefit schemes and the nonprovision of pensions by increasing number of employers.

The shocking behaviour of the Independent News & Media board in its treatment of its pensioners is a good example of the race to the bottom in the private sector.

Surely the mission of Mr Donohue and the Government is to level up, not down, the value of pensions if we are to secure the future for our citizens?


– Yours, etc,



Dublin 6.

Sir, – Ann Young, the great-granddaughter of William Martin Murphy who was the founder of the Irish Independent, writes that Mr Murphy was a fair and honest man and would never have taken away his workers' pension rights (Letters, December 8th).

Seeing as the life expectation for males born in 1890 was less than 50 years of age, Ms Young’s great-grandfather could well afford such largesse.

– Yours, etc,



Dublin 6W.

Sir, – One wonders if Ann Young (Letters, December 8th) talking about her great-grandfather William Martin Murphy has ever heard the term “lockout”.

– Yours, etc,


Milltown Road,

Dublin 6.