Insouciance for the goose

Madam, - In her review of Carole Zucker's book The Cinema of Neil Jordan: Dark Carnival (August 9th), Ruth Barton complains …

Madam, - In her review of Carole Zucker's book The Cinema of Neil Jordan: Dark Carnival(August 9th), Ruth Barton complains about Zucker's "high-handed insouciance" about the spelling of Irish names. Barton should take a little more care in getting her own facts straight. Zucker is not a "US-based writer", as she claims - unless living and teaching in Montreal makes someone US-based.

Would Barton, who teaches at Trinity College, like it if someone referred to her as a "UK-based lecturer"?

- Yours, etc,

PIERRE HOME-DOUGLAS, Dorval, Quebec, Canada.