Inspiration after Ana Kriégel case

Sir, – Like many people, I have been deeply affected by the death of Ana Kriégel (RIP). My deepest sympathy to her parents. I also extend my heartfelt compassion to the parents and families of the boys involved.

It leads me to call on all of us to embrace our youth as young boys and girls are the future of our country. It's a wake-up call to envelop these young adults with a sense of belief, respect and the value of responsibility towards themselves and others.

In our world today, it has become increasingly difficult to compete with online influences and the effects of technology and to balance this we have to interact with our youth on a human level.

In our homes, our communities, our education system and in every avenue where we are in contact with our young people, let us model and teach what it is to be a citizen of our country and the world itself.


We owe it to this beautiful young girl whose life was taken away from her. The young boys involved will have to live with their actions for the rest of their lives and to ensure that such a thing never happens again, as a collective, let’s envelop, inspire, teach and remind everyone that we are only on this Earth for a short time and we must have respect and love for our fellow human beings! – Yours, etc,


British Columbia,
