Investing in rural Ireland

Sir, – Rural Ireland is on its knees. Post offices, local shops, pubs, schools, Garda stations and public transport services have been closed, and now, in what appears to be the final straw, local GP surgeries are under threat.

Let’s not fool ourselves; this is all about money.People will not live in a rural community for sentimental reasons alone, They need real jobs. They need money and a future. They need a real reason to locate there, to put down roots, to start a family and to send their children to the local school.

The Government should implement a comprehensive tax policy to reward every indigenous employer who creates a new and sustainable job in rural Ireland. Workers in these companies should get an additional tax break on their salary, providing more money in their pocket to spend in the local community. A further tax break should be provided on the purchase of a home. This should be strictly controlled to ensure that it is a home and not an investment.

These steps would bring real investment, new life and energy into rural communities, reversing decades of decline. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 6.