Iranian nuclear agreement

Sir, – There is a marked difference between President Obama’s version of the interim deal signed in Geneva and that of the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, (“US and Iran held secret meetings before nuclear deal”, Front page, November 25th).

Contrary to what Obama said, Rouhani said “all sanctions will be lifted” as part of the deal. He also said the outcome means world powers have “recognised” Iran’s nuclear rights.

While British foreign secretary, William Hague, has given a cautious welcome to the deal Israel still remains, understandably, sceptical of Tehran’s new found goodwill towards the West – and why wouldn’t it?

Much of what happens in that large country is well hidden and literally underground. Iranian officials, however well-disposed to change, will always be answerable to the supreme leader.


The Iranian president has already convinced the Iranian people that Iran has won a major victory over Western aggression. This could turn out to be the longest six months of Obama’s presidency. – Yours, etc,


The Demesne,

Killester, Dublin 5.