Iraq crisis and anti-Americanism

Madam, - As one of the "left-liberals" Bert Wright disparages so comprehensively (April 17th) I feel I should respond

Madam, - As one of the "left-liberals" Bert Wright disparages so comprehensively (April 17th) I feel I should respond. Mr Wright demonstrates the same world view as the American President and the neo-cons for whom everything is so simple. Sadly things are not quite so black and white.

The invasion of Iraq lacked the required United Nations approval and was of doubtful legality. It was based on a falsehood and was, it now seems, part of a plan by the son to complete the work of the father. What was predicted by many - internal turmoil, monopolisation of reconstruction contracts by American companies, etc., has materialised.

The "West" is not, and must not become, an amorphous mass united in a crusade against radical Islam/international terrorism; and should not be bullied by the world's remaining superpower into toeing the line.

What offends is not that Saddam Hussein is gone; he was a tyrant the world is well rid of (although he did have his uses for the Americans at one time). It is the duplicity and partiality of the Republican administration. Sanctions were working, as were the international monitors; there was no urgency in dealing with Iraq and certainly there were other things much more deserving of the attention and resources of the world's greatest power.


What Bush and Blair have done is make the world less stable and less safe and sown a whirlwind which will blow for some time to come. - Yours, etc.,


Brazennose Street,

