Iraq crisis and anti-Americanism

Madam, - What a self -righteous rant you published from Bert Wright with regard to "the great deluded mass of Irish-America haters…

Madam, - What a self -righteous rant you published from Bert Wright with regard to "the great deluded mass of Irish-America haters" (April 17th).

Madam, - What a self -righteous rant you published from Bert Wright with regard to "the great deluded mass of Irish-America haters" (April 17th).

Mr Wright refers to the thousands slaughtered by Saddam; a fair point, but are they any more dead than the thousands slaughtered by the Americans?

Before the invasion there was order of a kind and Saddam was being kept in his box. The UN weapons inspectors should have been allowed to continue indefinitely and the economic sanctions lifted. There was a choice between a bad way and a worse way. Bush chose the worse.


The chaos that has ensued was not difficult to foresee. With an election in the offing, there is every indication Bush now wishes to pass the buck to the much maligned UN.

To make these points is not to be anti-American - a stupid stance for anyone to take. But it is equally stupid to have one's nose permanently up the collective American posterior. - Yours, etc.,




Co Wexford.