Ireland and Syrian refugees

A chara, – The attention-grabbing headline that we at 87 per cent are the most sympathetic-minded in Europe to the plight of Syrian refugees, according to the International Rescue Committee, surely needs to be put into context when we we read that Germans are behind us with a sympathy rating of 84 per cent ("Irish people 'most sympathetic' to Syrian refugees in EU", September 16th). The context being, of course, that the Germans, despite "problems", have accepted well over a million refugees into their country whereas to date we have accepted only 69!

It would appear that our “deep” sympathy has its limitations because if it were genuine we would be marching in the streets to demand our Government be more forthright in helping these unfortunate fellow human beings seeking our help and succour right on our very doorstep. – Is mise,




Co Dublin.

Sir, – Tánaiste and Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald has admitted the Government has made a "slow start" in meeting commitments to resettle 4,000 migrants escaping the Syrian conflict ("Tánaiste regrets 'slow start' on migration", Opinion & Analysis, September 20th). It is not a slow start but a shameful response.

If, after five years of conflict, we have taken just over a fifth of our promised quota, then at the current rate it will take another 20 years before the Government delivers on its commitment. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.