Ireland Of The Litter

Sir, - In a report headed "Measures soon to tackle litter" in your issue of June 3rd, you revealed that the Minister of State…

Sir, - In a report headed "Measures soon to tackle litter" in your issue of June 3rd, you revealed that the Minister of State for the Environment, Mr Dan Wallace, had said that measures to tackle the State's litter problem would be announced shortly. He was, you reported, concerned about the continuing widespread litter pollution and wanted to see local authorities use the new powers under the Litter Pollution Act 1997.

In the three months which have elapsed since your report I have not heard of any further announcement and I have certainly not seen any improvement in the litter problem. Judging by the spate of letters in your correspondence columns, neither has anyone else. - Yours, etc., M. D. Kennedy,

Silchester Park, Glenageary, Co Dublin.