Ireland Of The Litter

Sir, - You are to be commended for the publicity you have been giving to our litter problem

Sir, - You are to be commended for the publicity you have been giving to our litter problem. Your readers may be interested to know that a small group of people have decided that they are tired of feeling embarrassed and frustrated about the situation. We propose instead to do something.

We are in the process of setting up an organisation - Litterwatch - which will focus on the litter problem, particularly at a local level. We see this as a type of watchdog organisation which will establish just what is being done (for example by local authorities) and why this doesn't seem to be effective. We may eventually have a situation where local residents may volunteer to "monitor" particular areas, stretches of road etc with a view to reporting back on what is going on, the good and the bad!

We hope to liaise with organisations such as local county councils, the Tidy Towns, An Taisce and business associations with a view to understanding more about the problem. We hope to establish what sanctions (if any) are being applied to individuals and owners of business premises who litter or fail to meet their legal responsibilities. We could perhaps have a regular newsletter to let our members know what is happening. We are open to all ideas.

But first, we need to know what support there is out there. Are you embarrassed and bothered by our litter problem? Can you offer us your moral and/or practical support, your time, your ideas? If so, please contact us now at Litterwatch, PO Box 6476, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin. - Yours, etc., Maureen Doherty,


Spokesperson, Litterwatch, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin.