Ireland's alcohol problem

Madam, - The drinks industry body MEAS, (Mature Employment of Alcohol in Society) has yet again issued another code of practice…

Madam, - The drinks industry body MEAS, (Mature Employment of Alcohol in Society) has yet again issued another code of practice, on the naming, packaging and promotion of alcoholic drinks, (The Irish Times, May 24th).

How considerate of them, when they are so well aware that voluntary codes have not worked, and that the members of the beverage alcohol industry have blatantly, consistently and extensively broken their own advertising codes in all areas of the world over the past 20 years.

MEAS is a social aspect organisation, established and totally funded by the industry. Its aims are: preparing and promoting codes and consensus statements; broadening respectability and influence by becoming members of non-alcoholic-specific organisations; recruiting scientists, hosting conference and promoting high-profile publications; influencing national and international organisations.

If MEAS is so concerned with the serious consequence of alcohol use, why not refrain from massive sponsorship of sport, festivals, and other events and extensive glamourised advertising?


The alcohol industry, in issuing the code at this time, is obviously worried about the serious concern regarding alcohol use expressed recently by many groups (in particular the medical and teaching profession) and how it will affect their business.

Is the issuing of this code (a) a public relations exercise; (b) an effort to pre-empt the report of the Strategic Task Force on Alcohol, the publication of which is expected shortly. - Yours, etc.,

Dr MICHAEL LOFTUS, DÓTHAIN, Main Street, Crossmolina, Co Mayo.