‘Ireland’s Brexit backstop gamble’

Sir, – In "Ireland's Brexit backstop gamble may not be a wise bet" (Opinion & Analysis, January 3rd), Ronan McCrae uses words like "wise bet", "diplomatic triumph" and "strategic mistake".

The Irish Government is not “betting”!

The Irish Government is trying to safeguard the integrity of the Belfast Agreement.

Words like “blood”, “sweat”, “tears”, “sacrifice” and “consensus” are more appropriate in describing what underpins the reasons for the Irish Government trying to protect and safeguard the integrity of the agreed backstop and the integrity of the people north and south of the Border who voted for the Belfast Agreement. – Yours, etc,



Renvyle, Co Galway.

Sir, – Ronan McCrae makes the entirely reasonable argument that while few truly want a no-deal Brexit, the backstop may be ensuring that very outcome.

I found his contention that events may now have slipped beyond the control of even the best-intentioned politicians, negotiators and diplomats to be as disturbing as it was compelling. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 8.

Sir, – I think it is great that Brexit took a back-seat over the Christmas break but it surely must be the calm before the storm.

Perhaps we should ask the weather forecasters to rename the next storm to Boris, or Theresa, or Arlene because I am quite sure one or all will create a political tempest over the coming weeks, the like of which we probably have not seen before. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.