Ireland’s chance to help refugees

A chara, – I am one of many Irish people who have volunteered in the Calais “Jungle” since it opened. I’m in despair that more than 1,000 unaccompanied minors have been left there since its disbandment started. Many of these are orphaned and have no family in the UK or anywhere except the places they have fled for good reason. I know thousands if not millions of Irish people would wish to help them.

There is a scheme for sponsoring immigrants in Canada, which covers adults and families as well. If the same system was put in place in Ireland, we will take in only as many refugees as private citizens are willing to sponsor. What is more, there will be no great cost to the exchequer. But politicians must cut through the red tape now and allow us to help these people.

This is the great humanitarian crisis of our times and our Government is uniquely positioned to help Irish citizens to help our brothers and sisters in need.

If the Government can respond to the vigil outside the Dáil by saying it has established a scheme and that refugees who can be matched with sponsors can now enter Ireland, it will be the best thing that has happened in this country since the marriage equality vote.


Let us help. Immigration, when it is welcomed and people are integrated, is a positive force in a country. The people we can welcome can offer Ireland so much once they are on their feet again. And we can feel proud of ourselves again.

I’ve heard people say we should help our own first. You only need to meet these people to know they are our own, they are you and me and the people we love, let’s help them. It’s not so hard.

– Is mise,


Dublin 4.