Iris Robinson's remarks on gays

Madam, - We in the Humanist Association of Northern Ireland (Humani) would like to express our deep concern at the recent comments…

Madam, - We in the Humanist Association of Northern Ireland (Humani) would like to express our deep concern at the recent comments made by Iris Robinson MLA.

Her verbal attack on the gay community yet again shows that religious values are a dead weight that permeates the psyche of some of our politicians in a way that is extremely damaging for all. It is this psychological condition that is damaging, not homosexuality.

The gay community in Northern Ireland has grown ever more confident in asserting its right to exist. Humani continues to support a pluralist society and we will attend this year's Gay Pride march in Belfast on Saturday, August 2nd.

We hope that as the influence of religion in this country wanes, this kind of primitive belief will become history. - Yours, etc,



Chairman, Humani,

Riverside Drive,


Co Antrim.