Irish Identity And The EU

Sir, - How do people view the British/Canadian takeover of TV3? Was the intention of the Government, when granting TV3 its broadcasting…

Sir, - How do people view the British/Canadian takeover of TV3? Was the intention of the Government, when granting TV3 its broadcasting licence, that our own public service broadcaster, RTE, would be the victim of such a takeover? With the combined resources of Can/West/Granada and their key responsibilities to their (non-Irish) shareholders to maximise profit, is it not about time that we realised the long-term importance of ensuring that RTE receives adequate funding so that it will not be relegated to a minor role in the provision of relevant programmes to the Irish people?

Let the serious debate now begin, before we become region 57 of the Commonwealth! - Yours, etc.,

Sylvia Doyle, Monalea Grove, Ballycullen Road, Dublin 24.