Irish identity and the EU

Sir, - It is true that Ms de Valera's comments may serve to spark discussion and debate on Ireland's position in an enlarged …

Sir, - It is true that Ms de Valera's comments may serve to spark discussion and debate on Ireland's position in an enlarged European Union, a debate that is long overdue. But the acknowledgement of the need for debate should not be used to detract attention from the content of the Minister's comments.

I wish to remind readers of an influential monograph on Ireland's position in the EU, written in 1994 by Dermot Scott, who described Ireland's position towards the EU as "conditionally integrationist". Scott argued that successive Irish governments had agreed to further European integration in return for significant financial transfers. I am sorry to see his thesis confirmed by Ms de Valera's comments.

For the many students of Ireland's participation in the European Union who asked whether Ireland's economic success - and its change from net beneficiary to net contributor to EU funds - would affect our hitherto positive support for the European integration project, which includes enlargement to the East, the answer is now clear. - Yours, etc.,

J. O'Mahony, Oakley Court, Ranelagh, Dublin 6.