Irish language criteria for judges

A chara, – In the current proposals for reforms in judicial appointments led by Minister for Transport Shane Ross I notice no mention of the need for candidates to be competent in both official languages of the State.

If there is a reluctance to impose this as a condition for all candidates, there should at least be a quota system to ensure there is a sufficient supply of judges who can fulfil the constitutional requirement on the State to provide a judicial service in Irish as well as English.

The judgement of the late lamented Mr Justice Adrian Hardiman, in the Ó Beoláin v Fahy case, makes it quite clear that Irish-speaking citizens are fully entitled under Article 8 of the Constitution to conduct their business through Irish with all organs of the State if that is their wish and, in so doing, not to be disadvantaged in any way. The right to be heard and to use the Irish language in the courts is also specifically provided for in Section 8 of the Official Languages Act 2003.

– Is mise,




Co Wicklow.