Irish Literacy Levels

Sir, - Last week your newspaper carried an alarming report of a study on literacy levels in Ireland

Sir, - Last week your newspaper carried an alarming report of a study on literacy levels in Ireland. I was startled to see that, with the exception of Poland, Ireland had the highest illiteracy rate in Europe.

Somehow, this seems at variance with the robust IDA/Forbairt image of Young Europeans, with our reputation as a literary people, and with the high standards of education reached in this island of saints and scholars. The report also said that the Government was coughing up the princely sun of £250,000 to alleviate matters.

Maybe I have a reading problem myself and misinterpreted the findings? Otherwise, we have a duty to come clean with overseas companies investing in this country who are attracted by our "educated workforce" star rating. With such a crisis on our doorstep they should be told to invest anywhere else in Europe . . . except Poland, of course. - Yours, etc.,

Portobello, Dublin 8