Irish musicians at Wexford

Madam, - I am writing to you in relation to the recent decision made by the Wexford Festival Opera to employ a Polish Orchestra…

Madam, - I am writing to you in relation to the recent decision made by the Wexford Festival Opera to employ a Polish Orchestra for the provision of music during the festival.

As a professional freelance musician, educated mainly in Ireland and an Irish citizen, I am utterly appalled at this decision. In light of the fact that the Arts Department was coupled with that of Tourism and Sport in the formation of our present Government, I can't help but feel that we were and still are "swimming against the tide" so to speak!

While the areas of Sport and Tourism seem to have a lot of money invested in various projects, the Arts seem to be cut in funding.

Are the Arts no longer important enough? In my opinion the growth of a particular sector is directly proportional to the funding and money invested therein.


It's a shame to think that in previous years, the Irish Arts Council made available to candidates deemed suitable some flight awards and scholarships, offering today's professional musicians the opportunity to study at an international level. However, it seems somewhat ironic that today these professional musicians are "all dressed up with very few places left to go".

I believe that Wexford Opera Festival, with funding provided by the Irish taxpayer, could and should be kept more indigenous. - Yours, etc.,

JOHN A. WALSH, Ardmore Drive, Artane, Dublin 5.