Irish opera and the public

Sir, – In a long career as a trade union official, I had the great privilege to represent and work with professional musicians and associated professions. I am also a lifelong opera enthusiast, one of thousands of ordinary Dubliners who are deeply interested in this wonderful and popular art form.

Opera in Dublin has never been an elitist affair. On the contrary, over several decades, great opera productions by the Dublin Grand Opera Society, Opera Theatre Company and the much-lamented Opera Ireland were always “of the people and for the people”, and generally of a very high standard.

While it is feasible to attend great concerts and theatre almost any time in Dublin, such is the dearth of Irish-made opera in our capital city that, last year, the entire output could be seen over five nights. This is a consequence of deplorable arts policy decisions in the past. Our highly talented opera artists are now being trained for export, celebrated abroad, but rarely seen at home.

The Arts Council’s 10-year strategy is all about artists and public engagement. Will the Arts Council finally do the right thing and ensure there is once again some meaningful employment for Irish opera singers, and make it possible for the large public of ordinary decent opera devotees in our capital city to have some opera of our own to engage with? – Yours, etc,



Dundrum, Dublin 16.