Sir, - In your report of the annual general meeting of Irish Press Plc, carried in last Saturdays issue of The Irish Times, you…

Sir, - In your report of the annual general meeting of Irish Press Plc, carried in last Saturdays issue of The Irish Times, you stated with reference to the resolution to receive and adopt the report of the directors and financial statements: "In any event, the shareholders were well outvoted by the shares held by Dr de Valera." Although this statement is true in itself, it gives the mistaken impression that the resolution was passed only with the votes of the shares held by me alone, in opposition to the votes of the shareholders at large.

The resolution in question was passed by 472,628 shares representing 143 shareholders, most of whom had given their proxies to the directors, to 3,213 shares representing 22 shareholders. The shareholders opposed to the board represent both a minority of votes cast and a minority of shareholders voting, even if my controlling interest is disregarded. - Yours, etc.,

Managing director,

Irish Press Plc, Merrion Square, Dublin 2.