Irish Troops In Lebanon

Sir, - On Sunday I had the privilege of participating in the religious service at the UNIFIL stand-down parade

Sir, - On Sunday I had the privilege of participating in the religious service at the UNIFIL stand-down parade. On four occasions I also had the privilege of visiting various Irish battalions serving in the Lebanon and every visit filled me with a sense of joy and pride. Service in Lebanon has been another very important contribution by Irish peacekeeping troops.

Each time I was deeply impressed not only by their military professionalism, which was endorsed by members of other battalions whom I met there, but also the sense of security which their presence brought to a people who lived lives of fear and uncertainty. Their humanitarian work was a byword among the battalions of other nations serving there. I remember meeting a chaplain from the Finnish Battalion who was visiting "Irishbat" simply to find out how its projects were carried out.

I could go on describing some of the situations which I observed, but for now I want simply to pay tribute to the best ambassadors we could possibly have.

May their mission in Eritrea be as successful as that in Lebanon. - Yours, etc.,


Walton N. F. Empey, Archbishop of Dublin, Dublin 8.