Is debate on women priests being stifled?

Sir, – Fr Tony Flannery is right to challenge the indefensible misogyny of the Catholic Church but he shouldn't worry about whether the current teaching is, or is not, infallible ("Stifling debate on women priests damages the church", Rite & Reason, June 21st). The doctrine of conditional infallibility is itself a logical nonsense. If you hold that you are infallible, but only under some conditions, then you clearly require an infallible way to determine if those strictures have been met. So you need to be infallible before you can determine if your are being infallible. Of course, resorting to this pseudo-infalliblity in the face of rational argument just highlights the weakness of the case against women priests. – Yours, etc,



Sir, – Fr Tony Flannery takes issue with the stance of the Roman Catholic Church, of which he is a priest, on the subject of it not ordaining women and on papal infallibility.


If Fr Flannery is so dissatisfied he can freely leave the Roman Catholic Church and seek adherence to another more in tune with his beliefs. He could choose the Anglican Church, which ordains women priests and bishops and has no problem with infallibility since it has no pope.

Better still, the Anglican Church is governed by a woman, Queen Elizabeth.

As such, it meets all his requirements. – Yours, etc,



Co Meath.

Sir, – In response to Fr Flannery’s piece, I have two words for him: thank you. – Yours, etc,



Co Kerry.