Israel and Palestine

Sir, – Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney has summoned the Israeli ambassador to discuss the violent outbreak in Jerusalem. Will the ambassador have to wait in line, behind the ambassador of Russia (Ukraine, Georgia, Syria, etc), China (Uighurs, Falun Gong, Tibet), Turkey (Armenia, Syria, Iraq), Iran ( Yemen, Lebanon, Gaza, Iraq ), or the US ( Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen ), and so on? Furthermore, will the Irish Government, the Irish media and its people seek to make good the right of the indigenous peoples of the US and Australia to own and govern their own land?

Somehow I doubt it. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 24.

Sir, – As long as the State of Israel can depend on the US government not to criticise its actions and reactions, no matter how disproportionate, then there is very little hope for a resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The vetoing by the US of a moderately critical statement of the Israeli government at the UN Security Council shows the stranglehold it has even over the Biden administration.

The constant charge by the Israeli government that anyone who dares criticise its disproportionate actions is being anti-Semitic should be disregarded as a smokescreen.

Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney should be supported by the Irish public as he continues to seek a ceasefire in spite of the criticism from the Israeli government. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.