Israel and the Palestinians

Madam, - Tony Allwright (May 25th) should study the principles of the Nuremberg Tribunal (1950), in particular Principle VII: "…

Madam, - Tony Allwright (May 25th) should study the principles of the Nuremberg Tribunal (1950), in particular Principle VII: "Complicity in the commission of a crime against peace, a war crime, or a crime against humanity. . . is a crime under international law".

To claim that it was "hate-filled Lebanese Christian militias" that perpetrated the Sabra and Shatila massacre and that Israel therefore bears no responsibility overlooks the fact that these militias were Israel's allies and that the slaughter was supervised by the Israeli army.

At the time the Kahan Commission found the then defence minister, Ariel Sharon, "indirectly responsible" for the massacre. He was stripped of his ministry and deemed "unfit for public office" - a judgment repeatedly vindicated by his subsequent conduct as prime minister as exemplified by - yes - the massacres at Jenin and Rafah.

The Nuremberg Tribunal was established in the wake of the Nazi horror to ensure that henceforth neither those "merely obeying orders" nor those "merely giving orders" could escape responsibility. It is darkly ironic that neither an unconditional defender of Israel like Mr Allwright nor the state that he defends is prepared to learn such lessons. - Yours, etc.,


RAYMOND DEANE, Chairman, Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Dublin 1.

Madam, - I write in support of proposals in Seanad Éireann for a boycott of Israeli goods and for the removal of Israel's special status in relation to the European Union. I also feel that the time has come to consider seriously the closure of the Israeli Embassy in Dublin.

The monstrous, systematic persecution of the Palestinian people which we are now witnessing is a clear indication of the inhumanity into which the present Israeli government has descended. A swift and incisive reaction by outside governments and peoples is now needed. - Yours, etc.,

CHARLES HAYES, East Ferry, Midleton, Co Cork.