Israeli ambassador and TCD

Sir, – Conor McCarthy (February 27th) criticises Israel's embassy and Trinity's provost for the stance they have taken in regards to free speech.

At the same time, Students for Justice in Palestine claims it organised the protest because there would have been no balance if Ze’ev Boker, Israel’s ambassador to Ireland, had been allowed to address members of SoFIA (the Society for International Relations) as the sole speaker “with no opposing views being put forward”.

SoFIA is a student society which deals with diplomatic and international relations. It often tackles controversial topics.

The event in question was part of a series of talks where official representatives from foreign countries are given a platform to express their views.


To suggest that there would have been no dissenting student voices or questions from the audience in the ensuing Q&A session is beyond belief.

In addition, Students for Justice in Palestine’s leadership would do well to remember that just two weeks ago it helped to run an “Education, Equality & Activism” panel discussion in Trinity which featured an address by Malaka Mohammed – a prominent Palestinian campaigner (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions Movement).

Needless to say, there was no balance on this panel in relation to the conflict in the Middle East, nor was there any form of student protest. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.