Jeremy Corbyn and the left

Sir, – I can understand the Anti-Austerity Alliance support for Jeremy Corbyn (July 12th). Jeremy Corbyn is a decent man. That's not the problem. The problem is his inability to lead and manage. The AAA often highlights a deserving problem, but its inability to apply any kind of management or method to solving a situation with any kind of common sense is sadly lacking.

While in a room of people, asking for someone to close the door but without naming a particular person to carry out the task is a management deficiency. It is the Achilles heel of the hard left. – Yours, etc,


Ballyduff Upper,


Co Waterford.

Sir, – It is the tendency of the press to demonise anyone who dares to challenge conventional assumptions, as if open debate were inimical to the conduct of democratic government. Tony Blair was not mad and he was not alone in pressing for the invasion of Iraq. He was supported by and large by the British establishment in its subservience to American interests and in the process he showed complete contempt for millions of English objectors to that cruel, unnecessary and catastrophic war.

Angela Eagle and Tom Watson both voted for the invasion of Iraq in the House of Commons on March 18th, 2003. So too did Theresa May, Michael Fallon (defence minister) and Philip Hammond (foreign secretary), along with David Cameron, the liberator of Libya in 2011.

No one who supported the invasion of Iraq in 2003 deserves the confidence of voters in 2016.

Political judgment counts. Jeremy Corbyn was right on Iraq, and Angela Eagle, Hilary Benn, Yvette Cooper, Alan Johnson and Tom Watson were wrong.

The House of Commons is plainly unrepresentative of the British people as a consequence of the general election of 2015 which disenfranchised five million Ukip and Green voters, fobbing them off with two MPs.

Democracy cannot possibly flourish in such circumstances. I suggest once again that regional lists are required for elections in England as for the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly.

As the Brexit referendum result, like it or not, showed on June 23rd, too many MPs are impostors seeking to thwart the will of the people. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 2.