Jet-Ski Noise And Nuisance

Sir, - Your welcome article "Dangerous Waters" (The Irish Times, July 21st) gave valuable information on the dangers of jetskis…

Sir, - Your welcome article "Dangerous Waters" (The Irish Times, July 21st) gave valuable information on the dangers of jetskis. What it did not mention was the nuisance these machines are causing. Just one ski can ruin the tranquillity of a stretch of water, especially on an inland lake where people come to cruise, sail, fish, swim or just stroll and enjoy the beauty of a summer's evening. The noise is deafening, the wash causes moored boats to bang off harbour walls, and more than once I have seen a clutch of ducklings sent scattering.

I would encourage all local representatives to lobby the Government to ban jet-skis from all inland waterways - for the sake of the thriving tourist industry as well as the safety and sanity of man, bird and beast. - Yours, etc.,

Jennifer A. Boelens, Terryglass, Co Tipperary.