John Kerry and Tipperary peace prize

Sir, – I was surprised to hear that the Tipperary International Peace Prize is to be awarded to US Secretary of State John Kerry, given that I am not aware that he or the US State Department have achieved any peacemaking over the past 15 years.

On the contrary, the US has initiated or participated in several wars of aggression in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen, which resulted in the deaths of over two million people and innumerable others injured.

The devastation that has resulted from these wars has led to millions of people fleeing for their lives causing the greatest world refugee crisis since the second World War.

The US has made no real effort to undo the infrastructural and human damage caused by these wars, and far from making peace, it is still actively engaged in making or supporting wars right now in Syria, Iraq and Yemen.


Up to one million children have died as a result of these wars and unjustified Iraqi sanctions. If it were possible, the victims of these wars should first be asked if they think the US secretary of state should be awarded a peace prize.

Protests by peace activists are expected to greet Mr Kerry at Shannon airport and Aherlow in Tipperary on Sunday October 30th.

– Yours, etc,


