John Waters On Men

Sir, - It was interesting indeed to read John Waters's theories about the causes of male suicide in this country (Opinion, January…

Sir, - It was interesting indeed to read John Waters's theories about the causes of male suicide in this country (Opinion, January 13th). The idea that women are at the root of all of man's misfortunes is not a new one. We've all heard of Adam and Eve, John; tell us something new!

On a more serious note, the issue of suicide is surely too important to be left to the analyses of a columnist who frequently resorts to self-indulgent rambling and half-thought-out conclusions. This column was verging on the hysterical with its reference in the final line to a "holocaust".

Whatever about the idea that "manhood is increasingly a terminal condition", one would hope the same could be said for John Waters's current persecution complex. - Yours etc.

Gilford Pines, Sandymount, Dublin 4.