Jubilee Sailing Trust

Sir, - In view of recent comments about our attitudes towards people with physical disabilities, readers might be interested …

Sir, - In view of recent comments about our attitudes towards people with physical disabilities, readers might be interested to know that both "tall ships" belonging to the Jubilee Sailing Trust are expected to visit Dublin in May 2001, the new ship Tenacious on May 6th-8th and the trust's original ship, Lord Nelson , about May 18th-19th.

On these ships able-bodied and physically handicapped people of all ages work side by side on equal terms, each to his or her best ability. Since 1986 Lord Nelson has carried over 18,000 people, about half with physical disabilities and many from Ireland, and has proved so successful that the Trust has now built Tenacious, a wooden ship in whose building many volunteers, including disabled people, had a share. They are the only squareriggers in the world specially designed to meet the needs of disabled people, including wheelchair users, and a voyage in one of them is an unforgettable experience.

If any readers would like to have more information about these ships, or to see them when they are in Dublin, they are welcome to phone me at 012822403. - Yours, etc.,

Michael Booth, Jubilee Sailing Trust, Shankill, Co Dublin.