Juries best for justice

Madam, - Has Vincent Browne taken complete leave of his senses? He has qualified as a barrister in recent years but clearly …

Madam, - Has Vincent Browne taken complete leave of his senses? He has qualified as a barrister in recent years but clearly has not garnered the necessary wisdom that goes hand in hand with practising at the Bar.

I think it is fair to say that my fellow citizens would decree - beyond a reasonable doubt - that the judiciary live in a world of privilege, a world far removed from the reality and hardship of everyday life for many of our citizens - the very people who are expected (as jury members) to judge us. Justice being dispensed by a trio of learned judges would, I predict, be harsh justice in many instances and would leave little or no room for successful appeal

No. Best leave well enough alone lest - to borrow a phrase from the Master of the Rolls the late Lord Denning "a door would open that could never be closed". An appalling vista indeed. - Yours, etc,

DAVID MURPHY, South Frederick Street, Dublin 1.