Justice for Armenian genocide

Sir, – After arriving in Dublin on April 2nd, I travelled to Belfast. My tour guide, once he discovered I was Armenian, asked if I knew what the first genocide was of the modern era.

As someone who knows the Armenian genocide extremely well, I readied myself for his answer. He said that it was the English genocide against the Irish during the Famine, and then the Armenian genocide.

When I arrived home I contacted an Armenian think-tank in Washington and suggested that they reach out, first, to the Irish Ambassador to the US, regarding Ireland joining the cause for Armenian genocide justice.

After reading Brendan O Cathaoir's excellent piece (An Irishman's Diary, April 19th) and especially where he encourages the Irish government to join those who have stood up to tyranny, hate and genocide, my connection with Ireland, and its good people, is even stronger.


I encourage the Irish government to make good on O Cathaoir’s call and help bring justice for the Armenian genocide. – Yours, etc,



