Justice system and non-jury courts

Sir, – I am bemused by the recent furore over our use of the Special Criminal Court to try defendants. The implication seems to be that many people view the use of three judges rather than a jury as being somewhat undemocratic. If that were the case, then one could assume our District Courts are even less so, where a single judge presides over and judges both civil and criminal cases. – Yours, etc,


Dunleer, Co Louth.

Sir, – In the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, all courts sit without juries. Having lived there for over 40 years, I have the highest confidence in the Luxembourg judicial system and in the panels of judges who deliver judgement. The Freedom House “Freedom in the World” rankings for 2015, as in previous years, give Luxembourg the highest ranking in all categories. Neither does Human Rights Watch list Luxembourg as a human rights violator. Fair trials and the rule of law can be achieved without juries. – Yours, etc,



