Kate Moss media frenzy

Madam, - I would like to voice my disgust at the tabloid feeding frenzy that has surrounded the model Kate Moss for the past …

Madam, - I would like to voice my disgust at the tabloid feeding frenzy that has surrounded the model Kate Moss for the past two weeks.

The sanctimonious press coverage that this non-story has spawned is galling.

Despite bleats to the contrary, it is a well-known fact that the fashion industry is awash with "designer" drugs. It is hypocritical in the extreme for the industry that coined the phrase "heroin chic" to feign such shock, betrayal and outrage over these lurid pictures.

I feel sorry for Ms Moss; her nose has just been caught in the proverbial cookie jar. - Yours etc,



Lios Na Gréine,

South Douglas Road,
