Kathy Sheridan in Kabul

Madam, - Kathy Sheridan's courageously honest account of what it is like to be a Westerner working in Kabul made a deep impression…

Madam, - Kathy Sheridan's courageously honest account of what it is like to be a Westerner working in Kabul made a deep impression on me.

As a woman and mother, the difficulties and traumas encountered by women who want to work and study in strictly Muslim societies are truly frightening.

Sheridan's frank writing helps to undermine the tired argument that such behaviour is acceptable because it is part of one's religion and culture.

It's eight o'clock at night and I have just put my first child, a girl, down to sleep for the night and I thank God, Buddha and Allah that she will never have to endure such difficulties.


Well done to Kathy Sheridan for speaking her mind so well! - Yours, etc.,

ELAINE FALLON, Measc Drive, Artane, Dublin 5.