Kelly-Anne Corcoran

Madam, - I was a witness in the recent court case in Malaga and now that the dust is settling I find my thoughts focusing more…

Madam, - I was a witness in the recent court case in Malaga and now that the dust is settling I find my thoughts focusing more on the loss of my dear friend than on retribution. While news reports talk about sentencing, I want to remember Kelly Anne and the beautiful person she will always be in my heart.

Kelly-Anne Corcoran was my best friend and everyone who knew her loved her. She had a great sense of fun and always tried to look for the good in everyone. As a friend she would greet you with a hug, a kiss, a big smile and an encouraging word. After my husband was killed in a car crash in 1991 she was so supportive that we formed a special bond. As she had lost her sister in a traffic accident she could understand my pain better than anyone else.

Kelly Anne was always the first to congratulate her friends on their achievements. Equally, if you were feeling down she would be the first to make you laugh. When she walked into a room her presence was felt everywhere as she was warm, full of laughter and loved by everyone. She was a wonderful mother to her boys who were cared for and always dressed warm and cosy. She loved nothing more than spending time with them and visiting her parents. She had a special gift with all children and loved being a mother.

Kelly-Anne comes from a loving and caring family whose warmth and welcome is well known. A testimony to her memory is the manner in which they have supported each other through the past eight years in their quest for justice.


For my friend with the heart of gold and voice of an angel there is only one word that comes to my mind - joy. Joy at knowing her and in the privilege of being her friend. I know I shall meet her again. Rest in peace, my beautiful friend. - Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.