Killing of Robert McCartney

Madam, - During the many painful years of the peace process governments and citizens north and south have put their trust in …

Madam, - During the many painful years of the peace process governments and citizens north and south have put their trust in the ability of Sinn Féin/IRA to reform.

Having listened to several Sinn Féin spokesmen over the past few days, it is clear that, in spite of the changes made in the RUC, they have not been similarly open and trusting in relation to the PSNI.

The sisters of Robert McCartney are intelligent and brave women whom we should all support in their efforts to obtain justice for their murdered brother, and in their strong and repeatedly stated wish that the PSNI be involved. - Yours, etc.,

MARIE MacSWEENEY, Drogheda, Co Louth.