Knock And The Media

Sir, - Thank you for Breda O'Brien's article on Knock and the media (Opinion, August 26th).

Sir, - Thank you for Breda O'Brien's article on Knock and the media (Opinion, August 26th).

The references to World Youth Day provided a very welcome topic in this era of the Celtic Tiger when, as your correspondent Drapier reminds us in the same edition, we live in a society more violent than at any time since the 1920s.

Are we not reminded by the founder of Christianity - the raison d'etre of all our millennium celebrations - that if our faith were the size of a mustard seed "you could say to this mountain `move from here to there' and it would move, nothing would be impossible for you".

How apt, then, the concluding words of Ms O'Brien's article: "This old man [John Paul II] is handing on to the future the most precious gifts he has - faith, hope and love." - Yours, etc.,


Alf Rhatigan, Mountainview Road, Dublin 6.