Late Late Show Comedian

Sir, - Occasionally one finds it essential to stand up and be counted

Sir, - Occasionally one finds it essential to stand up and be counted. The standards of Irish people have taken many a brutal hammering in recent times at the hands of the self-appointed gods of RTE. Nothing, however, has approached the degree of insult to which those standards were subjected on last Friday's Late Late Show. A performer purporting to be a "comedian" made a mockery in an overwhelmingly Christian country of the very heart of Christian belief - the crucifixion of Jesus.

Hand in hand with this insult went the shabbiness of implicating Dana in a programme featuring an item which, had she been aware if it, would have outraged her.

It appears that the "comedian" in question is shortly to appear in Belfast. It is hoped that the Christians of that city will, by their censure, put ours to shame. - Yours, etc.,

Straboe, Portlaoise, Co Laois.