Latest scandal at AIB

Madam, - AIB and Sellafield seem to have a great deal in common

Madam, - AIB and Sellafield seem to have a great deal in common. They both admit that unacceptable practices were carried out in the past, but that everything is all right now.

They both assure us that we can have the greatest faith in the competence and integrity of their management and board, but nobody ever seems to take personal responsibility for any of the wrongdoings.

They both assure us that they are subject to the highest levels of corporate governance and oversight.

Meltdown at either institution could bring ruin to Ireland. And the Government would appear about as likely to rein in and control the activities of one as the other.


Should I take my iodine tablet now? - Yours, etc.,

VINCENT O'TOOLE, Leopardstown, Dublin 18.

Madam, - Amid all the recent controversy surrounding AIB, one fundamental question springs to mind. Where were the bank's auditors in all this? Surely, a detailed and vigorous audit should have uncovered the various practices, illegal and otherwise, that seem to have been endemic within the bank. I would like to hear the views of the various accountancy bodies on this matter. - Yours, etc.,

BRENDAN O'REILLY, Castle Park, Clondalkin, Dublin 22.

Madam, - If you have a few tools in the back of a van, and you neglect to pay a couple of thousand euro in tax, you are a "tax dodger".

If you are a publican, farmer or developer with some hundreds of thousands parked offshore, you are a "tax evader".

If you are a senior banking official stinging the public purse for eye-watering sums of money, you have "tax issues". - Yours, etc.,

TONY MULQUEEN, Aughrim, Co Wicklow.

Madam, - Yet another fiasco at AIB. Is there anybody in charge? It appears the lights are on but there's nobody at home. - Yours, etc.,