Latest scandals at AIB

Madam, - The scandal at AIB Bank is being referred to by some who should know better as being "related to bank culture"

Madam, - The scandal at AIB Bank is being referred to by some who should know better as being "related to bank culture". Bank vultures would seem a more apt term.

Ostensibly, this concerns the naked greed of some senior AIB officials, some of whom earn a salary of more than €1 million a year. Contrast this with most people who are put to the pin of their collar to make ends meet in raising a family, paying a mortgage and paying their due taxes.

Irish people are entitled to know the full facts about this scandal and the names of those responsible. - Yours, etc.,

MICHÉAL O'NUALLÁIN, Belgrave Square, Monkstown, Co Dublin.


Madam, - May I go against the grain on the subject of tax evasion by AIB executives and suggest that a real financial crisis would occur were it to emerge that all Irish executives were tax-clean? This would be cynically read by large shareholders as showing a lack of innovation "in the driving seat" and lead to a confidence crisis among investors.

After all, if top bankers can't organise a few sly treats in a poorly policed market, one has to ask if they understand their jobs properly. - Yours, etc.,

JACKY LOGAN, Basel, Switzerland.

Madam, - When next I go to confession, should I begin, "Bless me, father, for I have issues"? And should I couch my misdemeanours in guff about lapses of "governance" and "culture"? And should I end with a promise to be good "going forward"? - Yours, etc.,

PAT HUNT, Killarney Road, Bray, Co Wicklow.