Lay majority on Medical Council

Madam, - On May 16th Minister for Health Mary Harney announced the formation of a new Medical Council under the terms of the…

Madam, - On May 16th Minister for Health Mary Harney announced the formation of a new Medical Council under the terms of the Medical Practitioners Act 2007. The new council will be unique in the developed world, as it will have a "lay" majority.

Furthermore, it is clear that "fitness to practice inquiries" will now be held in public.

In my opinion, these developments are disastrous. It is clear the Minister and her allies are intent on creating a culture of "doctor versus patient". Media show trials will now become commonplace as doctors accused of incompetence are presumed guilty until proven innocent.

Patients who welcome the new legislation are misguided. The destruction of trust between doctors and patients is an appalling development. Doctors will inevitably respond by practising "defensive medicine", trying to avoid risk at all costs. The alternative is to face almost certain career destruction at the hands of a lay-dominated council in the full glare of a media circus.


Unfortunately, some patient representatives appear intent on indulging bitter hostility towards the medical profession. I would cite as an example the group known as "Patient Focus". Those who are in any doubt about the apparent views of those involved with this organisation would do well to visit its website,, where a series of despicable slurs and personal vendettas against the medical profession are presented as factual analysis. Examples of these comments include: "I hope you can feel the depth of hatred we have for the medical system", and: "The medical profession in this country oppresses people who are ill".

These deeply offensive and sweeping statements are apparently portrayed as an insightful look at the world of Irish medicine. While I fully accept and welcome patient advocacy, such unsubstantiated insults against an honourable profession cannot be allowed to go unchallenged.

Unfortunately, it would appear that Minister Harney has no difficulty with Patient Focus and its "analysis". A prominent supporter of that organisation - Ms Margaret Murphy - has been appointed to the new medical council.

Doctors cannot work in fear, and patients will not benefit if they are forced to do so. I ask the Minister to review and repeal the Medical Practitioners Act 2007. - Yours, etc,

Dr RUAIRI HANLEY, Francis Street, Drogheda, Co Louth.