Leaving Cert history exam

Madam, - In September 2003 I wrote an article for this newspaper expressing my enthusiasm and support for the new Leaving Certificate…

Madam, - In September 2003 I wrote an article for this newspaper expressing my enthusiasm and support for the new Leaving Certificate history course and I expressed my hope that letters complaining about the examination would be consigned to history.

Like many of my colleagues around the country I have put a tremendous effort into persuading students to opt for history at senior level. However, the reaction of most of my students to last Wednesday's examination paper said it all ("Paper is criticised as 'sneaky' as well as 'tough' ", Exam Times, June 14th).

I agree with the sentiments of my colleague Sean Delap of Coláiste Íosagáin and I have no doubt that students will vote with their feet and take other, fairer subjects instead. What a wasted opportunity to continue increasing the number of students taking history.

My sympathy to disappointed students and the many dedicated teachers who feel the same way as myself. So, history does repeat itself after all!


- Yours, etc,

GERRY MOORE, Glenties, Co Donegal.