Leaving Cert. Papers

Sir, - I have a sneaky feeling the tricky History and Geography papers might have been set by the Department of Education in …

Sir, - I have a sneaky feeling the tricky History and Geography papers might have been set by the Department of Education in an effort to confound even those students who are repeating, and those who have attended expensive cramming courses. I find it hard to understand the merit of free third-level education in a points system in which only the very clever at doing the Leaving Cert., or more mediocre students who have had large amounts of money invested in them, will gain entrance to college.

Also, could somebody please tell me why TCD should choose a date in the middle of the Leaving Cert. to send out letters of acceptance or rejection for its drama courses? As entrance still requires a high level of success in obtaining the dreaded points, what is there to be gained in disrupting and distracting already stressed-out teenagers? One wonders at the wisdom of letting one's child apply to such an unintelligent institution. In fairness, TCD is not alone in this sadistic habit. Some art colleges are at it as well, just in time to catch the pre-Art History nerves.

Maybe this strange behaviour is simply symptomatic of a general education system which leaves much to be desired. Why can't we have conditional offers after interview, stating grades required? How can our children be expected to respect themselves if we do not begin to show that we value their various and unique abilities? I suggest that sometimes competition can be unhealthy as well as unfair. I am not surprised we have produced a non-voting majority. Our young adults are victimised from an early age. - Yours, etc., Jacqueline Factor,

Shrewsbury Park, Dublin 4.