Legacy of Gerry Fitt

Madam, - In your issue of September 1st Austin Currie, a founder member of the SDLP, is recorded as saying that Gerry Fitt's "…

Madam, - In your issue of September 1st Austin Currie, a founder member of the SDLP, is recorded as saying that Gerry Fitt's "major achievement" in the 1960s was to break the convention that Northern Ireland matters could not be brought up at Westminster.

In his Irishman's Diary in the same edition, Henry Kelly attributes the following indictment of Gerry Fitt to Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams, on the occasion of Fitt's elevation to the House of Lords: "Fitt's peerage has been gained on the bodies of men, women and children, murdered by the forces of the Crown".

May I have space to add that, according to statistics issued by the Northern Ireland Human Rights Bureau, the IRA killed almost three times as many Catholics as did the security forces during the Troubles in Northern Ireland. - Yours, etc,

TOM WOULFE, Victoria Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6