Legislating for gay marriages

Madam, - Social workers have a long and proud tradition of working in support of anyone who is not treated as an equal

Madam, - Social workers have a long and proud tradition of working in support of anyone who is not treated as an equal. One of the groups not treated as equals in Irish society - the gay community - marked the 25th year of Gay Pride events last Saturday with a celebratory parade through the centre of Dublin, undaunted by the wind and rain.

A lot has changed in those 25 years, but some fundamental rights are still denied to Irish gay and lesbian people. At our association's agm in April, we passed a motion supporting the Government's intent to legislate for gay and lesbian relationships and calling on it to grant full marriage equality without delay.

We again urge the government to honour the programme for Government and legislate immediately. - Yours, etc,



Spokesperson, Irish Association of Social Workers,

Pearse Street,

Dublin 2.