Legislation and marijuana

Sir, – I would very much welcome the legalisation of medicinal marijuana in this country as it has been shown to be very helpful for people with chronic pain.

Pain is often the signal from the body that something is not as it should be and that it needs our attention.

However, in some people, pain has a psychosomatic cause.

A trauma suffered in the past, a deep loss, and unexpressed emotions, such as anger or sadness, can be the cause of physical pain.


For people experiencing psychosomatic pain, the conventional medicine is often no help. This seems to be the case especially for people who have been living with such pain for a long, long time.

Sometimes even psychotherapies don’t help when the pain and the corresponding emotions are deeply ingrained in the person.

So for those people cannabis oil and medicinal marijuana would be an exciting alternative and something worth trying out.

If they work, they might be the end of a long road of suffering after trying various pain medications that , in many cases, only work for a little while or do not take the pain away completely. – Yours, etc,


Bray, Co Wicklow.