Lethal dangers of large trucks

Madam, - I am very grateful to Kevin Myers for his Irishman's Diary of November 17th in which he highlighted the injustice surrounding…

Madam, - I am very grateful to Kevin Myers for his Irishman's Diary of November 17th in which he highlighted the injustice surrounding the inquest into Nicole Naumburger, who was crushed by a large truck while pushing the child in her care to safety.

On June 12th 2002, my wife Mary (mother of our five children), was killed by a large truck at Stillorgan Shopping Centre. She was on a pedestrian crossing when, in an heroic effort, similar to Nicole's, she lost her life while pushing our youngest daughter Siobhán, then aged 18 months and still being breast-fed, to safety.

When reading the report in The Irish Times of November 10th concerning Nicole's inquest I could not believe the similarities between her death and Mary's.

In the case of Mary's death, however, the driver was prosecuted, but the case against him was dismissed on October 21st 2004, after over two years of delays and procrastination by the courts caused by the unavailability of judges and overcrowding of court lists.


It was with disbelief that I heard of the verdict. As a victim, I was not entitled to representation and I felt I was treated with complete disrespect as the case was adjourned again and again for one reason after another.

I have to agree with Mr Myers's statement that a message has been sent out to drivers of large trucks that they need take no responsibility for their actions, even when they result in the death of a human being.

It is extraordinary that every day in the courts, ordinary drivers are readily prosecuted for careless driving for sometimes relatively minor driving offences. Will it take the death of a politician's wife or au pair to highlight the fact that trucks in these situations are death-reapers?

The awful reality is that this situation is going to happen again sooner rather than later. I would hate for any other individual to have to experience similar loss, grief, heartache and suffering to what I have. - Yours, etc.,

MICHAEL QUINN, Bayswater Terrace, Sandycove, Co Dublin