Level of Irish overseas aid

Madam, - Mr Conor Lenihan has admitted that the Government will not meet its own target to increase aid spending to UN recommended…

Madam, - Mr Conor Lenihan has admitted that the Government will not meet its own target to increase aid spending to UN recommended levels by 2007. This is indeed lamentable, as pointed out in your Editorial of October 11th.

How this stance can be justified beggars belief, particularly in view of the prosperity in Ireland at present. I have no doubt that if a poll were taken on this matter, it would show that the vast majority of people wanted our contribution increased.

To add insult to injury, the Government insists on increasing aid to UNFPA despite the controversy over its role in facilitating abortion, even in China, where they claim it is not coercive.

I hope Mr Lenihan will act in accordance with the will of the Irish people and ensure that immediate efforts are made to ensure that the target of 0.45 per cent of GNP set for the end of 2002 is met without further delay. - Yours, etc.,


Mrs MARY STEWART, Ardeskin, Donegal Town.